Search engines are uncomfortable indexing flash website because flash websites has less content and search engines love content websites.Although Google improving the crawling and indexing of Flash content.So how to seo flash site.
See Code below shows How To Seo Flash Site :-
<TITLE> Your SEO Friendly Title Tag </TITLE>
<meta name="description" content="Your accurate and descriptive text" />
<meta name="google-site-verification" content="dfsderwerwfsdfsddfsdf" />
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
< -- Other head elements here -- >
Your uncrawlable Flash Code…
Put your Equivalent Text Content based on what is presented using Flash.
<div><a href="">Flash website homepage</a><a href="">About page</a><a href="">Contact</a>
Now with above code you can implement :-
1. title tag to flash website.
2.Add content:-Use non script tag and insert them before closed body tag.
3.SEO head section.
4.Add Navigation bar.
5.More on SEO for Flash website at Google webmaster Blog.