Top Onpage SEO Techniques

Posted by Shreeonlinejobs |
1.Starting from top first thing in Onpage Seo techniques comes your website title.Title plays main role in Onpage SEO or i must say it is foremost part in Onpage optimization.Make Use of Google Keyword tool for deciding title.Suppose you are starting your website under niche "Weight Loss" now for the best title for your website use Google keyword tool.Write your keyword "Weight Loss" and press enter you will find hundreds of keywords related to your title.I urge that you should keep title which are less competitive so traffic can be utilized fast.
Another thing you should always keep your title on left top of page because search engine robots starts reading Page from top left to right bottom and also put as many content on this area so that robot can understand your page fastly and correctly.

2.Second thing is meta tags and meta keywords,Many website programmers and SEO specialized has a myth that they play good role but please watch the video of google engineer and SEO guru of all time MattCutts has to say about meta tags.

3.Third thing for
On page SEO is Content.Now you may have heard this three word "Content is King".Now again i say that it is very very true.You should write content keeping in mind your main keywords and bold 2-3 keywords out of them.

4.While deciding your Sub Url we should always use our keywords in URL phrases.For example suppose your website is about "Bread" name of website is " now you want to write about garlic bread in new page so while keeping your suburl name many webmaster keep their name like instead of keeping name as 2page.html we should always use main keywords. eg

5.Use your keywords in deciding image name and also make use of alt tags in images.Eg

< src="url" alt="Use your main keywords here">

6.Don't copy content from anywhere else write your own fresh content.Search engine robots always hungry for indexing fresh contents.

These are some
Top Onpage Optimization Techniques.My next post will cover Top Offpage SEO Techniques mean while go on and try this techniques on your blog or website.

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