AdSense for Games

Posted by Shreeonlinejobs |
It is good news for readers having games website because Adsense is know started "ADSENSE FOR GAMES".As 25% of internet users play online games.So games website can make exta money from adsense for games because they can show contextual advertising as well as adsense games advertising.

From the desk of adsense blog "As a beta user of AdSense for Games, you can display video ads, image ads, or text ads within your online games to earn revenue. You'll be able to show these ads in placements you define, such as interstitial frames before a game, after a level change, or when a game is over. Members of our AdWords team will sell your in-game ad placements directly to top brand advertisers, and you'll also see contextually targeted text and image ads based on content and demographic information. In addition, you'll be able to control the ads you see on your pages using our filtering options."
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