I have been working on internet from long time.I know many people love to write about there favorite topics on blogs or any sort of portal where they found easy.Recently i came to know from the source of newspaper that Indian Millenium Superstar Mr.Amitabh Bachan want to start his blog to interact directly to this fans.So anybody can start blog and share or talk about there topic.It becames more intersting when you can make money doing this.Iam talking about Squidoo.
Squidoo:-Squidoo is portal where you have to create your lens With 3 simple steps so start it here .After visiting to squidoo website you will see create your lens button,it will take you over to step
2"My lens is about:" choose topic of your interesting.
In step 3 you will pick your url name,category for your lens and rate your lens.
After completing all steps you have to write about topics you have choosen and than publish your lens.You can have traffic to your lens from various social sites.After having decent traffic to your lens you will notice that your lens had made some dollars.Squidoo share there revenue,that they have earn from various source like google adsense and other.
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