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Shreeonlinejobs |
AffiliateFuture is an
pay per lead (PPL),pay per sale(pay per sale)program,if you have website or blog you can
make money from your visitors, it work just allowing merchant to advertise on you website or blog, affiliatefuture pays you payment on monthly bases when merchants advert generated leads or sale,affiliatefuture make payments in three currencies,they are US dollars,GBP and Euro.
Referral Program: Adding to it they also run there Referral program ,When someone sign up to AffiliateFuture from your refferal link then you will earn 5percent of the commission they earn.
Ads-Click is an very good
Pay per click program,they share 80percent of advertiser revenue with publisher so if you have website or blog then you can boost your website, blog inventory.They differ from other Program as they offer all kinds of campaign style in the format of IAB, RSS, Tag Clouds, Inline Text Links.They show advert relevant to your website or blog.They Offer three type of publishing,they are webpublisher,whitelabel solution,mobilepublisher.